Wednesday, April 10, 2013

in a strange place

Yesterday I read something from a caring bridge site that I keep updated on that took my breath away.  A mom that I "met" (meaning we emailed back and forth several times and follow each other on caringbridge) posted that her daughter is having open heart surgery tomorrow.  Her second open heart surgery.  

Her little girl was born just 2 days before June.  two days.  And has the *exact* same heart defect.  And is also the 3rd child for her family. And has the same cardiologist.  And the same surgeon.  And had her first open heart surgery a week after June.  Our journeys are/were freakishly similar.  Now, this little girl is facing another surgery and I am praying SO hard for her AND her family knowing how freaking hard it is because I've been there.  And so has she.  

I am struggling because I feel grateful, so so grateful, that we were told that we don't have to go back to the cardiologist for a year and are off all heart meds.  But at the same time I feel so upset and frustrated that this little girl doesn't.  I know we can not compare, that every journey is different.  I guess because everything was so similar up until now I am just feeling grateful it's not us, but then guilty that I feel that, and then.... I don't know.  It's just weird!  

I am praying so hard for this little girl and that this is IT for her.  She won't even need surgery as an pre-teen (which is something we may have to deal with).  That she will grow faster and just get back to being a little almost one year old like *that*.  

Anyway... it's a really strange place for me to be in.  So many emotions.  Guilt for being glad it's not us.  Pain and agony for this family as I can not even FATHOM going through it AGAIN right now.  Anyway, this blog isn't really being shared, so I doubt anyone will even read this, but please pray for this little girl.  And her momma too.  I want to reach out to her- bring a meal, or whatever she needs.  But I feel like maybe I'm not the best person for that.  But oh- this one is just really messing with me.  


Friday, April 5, 2013

My Goal as a Parent.

I posted this photo on facebook the other day:

And with it I wrote this:

It's not easy raising strong, self assured kids. But my role is not to raise obedient children, but to grow happy, competent adults who can think for themselves. It's a long road to get there.

Although this photo is specifically talking about females, I do think that it applies to both my son and my daughters.  Let me preface this post by saying that this is not to say that I think it's fine and dandy if my children scream in my face or are rude and demanding to me.  I do think it is important to teach kids how to be productive members of society, and being rude and demanding is probably not going to get you your way very easily.  So, it is a constant learning curve in how do I teach my kids how to be productive members of society without extinguishing that brightly burning light inside of them.

THAT is what I like about this photo and quote.  We all have gifts.  My daughter is a DEEP feeler.  Everything is a for her.  She is also a leader and likes to create elaborate games and fantasies and tell everyone what their role is in her fantasy.  Were I to tell her that she was "too emotional" or that whatever the latest drama was was "not a big deal."  (When it very much IS a big deal to her!) I really feel like I would be telling her that the way she is, is not okay.  We need deep feelers in our world.  She is going to feel so deeply about something someday and going to change the world because of it.  She is going to embrace her feelings instead of shoving them down (like I have the tendency to do).  Sometimes, as an adult, we get overwhelmed by our kids strong feelings, or strong bossiness, etc.  For a lot of kids it's hot or cold... no medium.  They are either VERY happy or VERY angry or VERY sad.  Tantrums are not a child trying to be bad, they are an emotional outburst.  Imagine feeling the most angry you have ever felt in your life and not having any tools to deal with it.   It is our job, as parents, to teach our kids the tools.  To hone their skills for the good.  The "bossy" girl? Teach her how to be a leader!  That "emotional" girl?  Teach her how to use her emotions to have empathy for others.  We need to look for the good in our children and teach them how to use their uniqueness!

My kids are really obsessed with super heroes right now, so forgive the superhero example.  Superheroes have a lot of awesome qualities, right?  Who wouldn't want to be able to fly, have super human strength, a hammer that nobody else can pick up (That would be Thor.... I'm learning right along with my kids about this stuff), or how about the power to travel through time?  There are a lot of really cool powers!  BUT, with great power, comes great responsibility.  SO, we teach our vivacious, strong, feisty, deep feeling, delegating (MY OLDEST!!) children how to use these traits for good.  So they don't turn into Doctor Octopus or some other super villian.   Doctor Octopus's poor mother.  And, at the end of the day, I'm sure she did everything she could.  We all have to do the best we can, knowing that we are never going to get everything right, all the time.  My kids will probably have to talk to a therapist someday about all the ways that I screwed them up, but my goal is to hopefully decrease the amount of time and money they will need to spend on therapy.  Lofty goal, right?

But seriously, folks, my goal is NOT to raise "good" kids.  It's to raise happy, well adjusted adults (with minimal therapy bills).  Yes, I am going to try to teach them how to use their "powers" for good. But, that takes a TON of gentle instruction and reminders vs. strict punishment.  It takes patience.  It takes letting kids experiencing the natural consequences of their actions and learning for themselves some hard things.  Letting them feel strong emotions.  Telling them that there is nothing wrong with those strong emotions.  Teaching them, gently, how to deal with those strong emotions in a way that does not harm other people-physically or emotionally.

Man.... being a parent sure isn't easy!  And, I do not pretend to have it all figured out or that I get it right all of the time.  There are plenty of "CALM DOWN!!!" or "STOP BEING BOSSY!!" moments, but I am trying to be mindful and remember WHY I do not want to do those things.

As always, everything is easier when we slow down, find our breathe and the present moment, turn to God.  When I do that, I am much calmer with my kids and can deal with the BIG emotions much more easily.    


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

a blog about what this blog should be about...

I always try to be a blogger and I always fail miserably.  I have been keeping caringbridge updated, so if you want to read June's journey through open heart surgery you can check it out at  We've had quite the journey!!  I know that I've learned so much through it and that I think that Matt and I both saw just how strong we really are.  People always would/do say that they could never be as strong as we were/are.  But, honestly?  When you have some crazy to go through like open heart surgery on your infant, you just do what you have to do.  You don't really have a choice. I am, still, proud of us and all we've been through and how well we are doing despite our pretty challenging year!

People keep telling me that I should write a blog, but the problem is that I don't know exactly what to write about.  I could write all about birthy stuff, but most of the (amazing!!) birth stories are private and confidential.  I could write about parenting.... but who am I to tell YOU how I think you should raise your kids?  I'm just a mom trying to figure out how to screw my kids up the least amount possible so their therapy bills aren't TOO ridiculously high.  Or maybe I could write about.... our random every day?  That seems rather boring and not something *I* would want to read.  Maybe I'll make the blog about "what should I write a blog about."  And every post can be like this one, me asking what I should write about.  Ha!  Or not.

I suppose I need to stick with the main intent of this blog... about remaining present through this journey.  In yoga I talk about this sometimes.  About how we need to remain in the moment.  It's so easy to look forward and to look behind, but to truly SAVOR every moment.  That takes intention and practice.  I don't always get it right.  But it is something that I strive for.

Last week I got to witness two AMAZING women welcome their babies into the spinning world.  I got to see THREE babies (yes... two women, three babies) take their first breaths.  I got to see the look in dad's eyes when he met his baby or babies for the first time.  I got to witness miracles.  Two women, transformed.  Forever changed.  Never as they were before.  It's easy to remain present during those moments.  I drive home from those moments, at 4am in a snow storm, perhaps.  And I just smile and tears well up in my eyes.  I see other people driving by and think to myself "they do not know that a miracle just occured!"  It's like the whole world needs to stand still to behold those moments.  But what about the other moments?  What about the "normal" day to day moments?  Take today:  My 3 year old climbed into bed next to me in the middle of the night, the 5 year old had a nightmare, the baby was restless and needed to nurse a few times overnight.  It's easy to feel frustrated about being sandwiched between two kids in bed.  But I've learned to ENJOY it. I'm going to miss these kids when they are grown.  I love the unconditional love of a three year old.... so safe next to his mommy.  He doesn't often climb into bed with me so it is always a rare treat.  Even if he started wiggling and I *knew* I had to get up and take him to the bathroom before he peed all over me *wink*

Until next time.... hopefully it's not 6 months from now.  I really am going to try to make this blog part of my routine.  Though I'm not going to let anyone know it's here until I actually start regularly updating :-)  But you are welcome to read if you want.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dwelling on it.

I watch her as she sleeps.  Her little chest going up and down.  Faster than it probably should.  Sweat beading on her forehead, soaking the blanket beneath her sweet little head.  Always so sweaty.  Will that change once her heart will fixed?  Or will she always be my sweat baby?

Every little noise that I hear from that cheap 6 year old baby monitor  causes me to bolt up the stairs to check on her.

How did I become this mom?  It's funny... even with my first baby.  Even when it's "normal" for moms to worry with that first baby.  Googling every little rash or cry.  I never seemed to be that way.  I remember a remark from a pediatrician early in my first child's life that we were so LAID BACK for first time parents.

There was not at ER visit until my 2nd child was over a year old.  (Not saying that that is the hallmark of a laid back parent, but it was a combo of luck and not overanalyzing things).

Of course this laid backness gives me some guilt now.  So laid back that I did not notice my newborn looking a bit off?  Would any mother of noticed?

I still think I am *mostly* a laid back mom.  Of course I still feel my heart skip a beat when I can't find the 3 year old who has gone out the front door..... again.  And I am still majorly stressed out with worry over the baby, who undergoes open heart surgery in a mere 10 days.

I am nervous for my oldest, who is going to kindergarten (FULL DAY kindergarten) starting tomorrow.  Are we making the best choice sending her (commence another guilt fest)?  Will she enjoy her days there?  Will she be overwhelmed or more content?

I feel guilty that she and her 3 year old brother are not getting my attention like they should.  I am going to be gone as far as they are concerned, for probably 2 weeks after only 1 week of being in school for the oldest.  I am going to miss the 3 year olds first day of preschool, orientation.  Making the 5 year old her lunches, hearing about how her day went.  Tucking them into bed at night.

But I know what I am doing is important and I know my older 2 will not fault me for leaving them for a few weeks.  I know it's hard for them to understand what is going on, but at the same time... they KNOW.  So wise.  So intuitive.

What else am I nervous about?  So many things.  So many that most days I try just not to think about it. Focus on something I *can* control.  Like cleaning the house (or attempting to with 3 littles afoot.... HA!) .

BUT, like I talked about in my prenatal yoga class on Sunday, it's important to face our tigers.  Name our fears.  Get them out, rather than stuff them down.  One mom shared that she was not good with pain and that she was "trying not to think about it."  I think that's what I'm doing with this upcoming surgery.  I'm trying not to think about it.  But, it is coming whether I think about it or not.

So here is a short list.  I already mentioned some of my fears with my older 2.   Here are a couple of my fears in addition..... (this list is definitely in all inclusive... I feel like this list is always growing and changing)

~Not being able to hold my baby for a few days, a week, who knows how long.  We co-sleep, I wear her in a sling quite a lot, we breastfeed on demand.  She is very used to being with mom.  Whenever she cries I attend to her.

~Seeing her cry with the ventilator still in.  This was the WORST thing last time.  To not be able to *hear* the cry but to be able to tell that it was happening.  Those eyes.  Those scared, 'help me' eyes.  Unable to hold her and comfort her.  The only thing I'm able to do is to tell her it's okay and stroke her head and make shushing noises.  Seriously.... rip my heart out.  To know my baby is scared and probably in quite a lot of pain.

~Which bring me to another one.  The pain.  I can't imagine myself as an adult getting my chest opened.... what the pain might feel like to a little tiny baby who can not TELL us that she needs more pain medication or let us know how it feels to know if something is wrong or if it's "normal" pain.  And as a mom you just never ever ever ever want your children to have to experience pain.  And she is going to have to... possibly without having her coping tools of breastfeeding or getting held all at the same time.

~My baby going on bypass.  That her heart will be able to start beating again afterwards.  That there will be no long term effects.  That her brain function will be preserved.  That she'll be able to breathe again on her own afterwards.  That the surgery will be successful.  That the surgeons will be able to fix her.  That she won't need another open heart surgery sometime down the road.  That she will not die.  Or be in such a state where she'd wish she had.  I know this sounds so morbid.... but these are real fears and possibilities with what she is going to be going through.

~All the rest of my fears seem to pale in comparison to all the big ones I just listed.  Like feeding... will she be able to breastfeed after?  How soon after?  When will I get to hold her?  Will she have long term emotional effects to this event (already listed all the scary long term physical and intellectual fears....)?

That's all I can muster up actually typing up right now.....  if I let myself dwell on it for too long I kinda start freaking out.  It's hard enough to breathe without actually DWELLING on it.      

Monday, August 13, 2012

Life.... keeps on keeping on.  Despite my frequent Facebook posts and comments, I am actually not near a computer very often.  I have a smart phone now and it's been my lifeline.  I know people probably make fun of how 'connected' I am, but I mostly just stay at home all day every day (like, don't get in a car or leave the house ALL.DAY.LONG.) so Facebook is sort of like my only way to talk to other adults most of the time.  My kids are ridiculously awesome, but sometimes it's nice to talk to others.  And I have really awesome friends who I don't get to see that much because they are busy parenting THEIR children so it's kind of a really good way to feel both normal and connected to my tribe a little bit.

So, when I am pumping or sometimes when I am nursing or when for the few minutes at a time I have nobody that needs me desperately, I am often on my phone.  It's kinda bad though so I am going to try to just take those moments to just BE and not feel the need to connect with others so often.  BUT I still love taking photos of my life so I'll still be on instagram frequently, I'm sure!

June is doing okay.  It's funny... people ask me ALL the time "How is she doing?" and I'm never quite sure what to respond with.  Being the optimist that I try to be I say "fine" or "good!" or maybe it's just because I'm not sure they want to whole shpeil (HOW do you spell that word?!) about her medical stuff.  I'm not lying either because she really IS doing good.  She is meeting milestones (ROLLING like a crazy lady!) 'talking' and interacting with us.  Growing sweeter by the minute, it seems.  She is having a bit of trouble with nursing, but it's just because her congestive heart failure is increasing and so the cardiologist has upped her meds and added one in hopes of getting her to have less symptoms, and I think she is eating more as a result.  Perhaps because she doesn't have to work as hard to nurse?  Not sure, but I am trying to pump as well, since I know she is not taking in a great deal and I don't want to have my supply tank as a result.  But it's pretty hard to find time to pump with 3 small children constantly vying for my attention.  The other day I nursed for a MINUTE and then had to desert my pump on the chair for a few hours.... haha.  I guess a minute is better than NOTHING.

I can't decide when would be better for June's open heart surgery.  Now- as she is over 10lbs and that's good the cardiologist says, or later... her congestive heart failure is increasing, her heart is increasing in size, but the cardiologist says if she is still gaining weight than we wait... do we wait so long that she has another episode that lands her in the hospital and needing EMERGENCY open heart surgery?  Or do it now while she is still doing well.  I really don't know!!  Also a bone to throw into the mix is the fact that my BABY SISTER is getting MARRIED in October.  I want so desperately for us to be able to go to the wedding (BE in the wedding) as a family.  For June to be there with us, for me to go.  If she has her surgery now or in a month will she be ready in time?  Will she be exposed to too many germs?  Or if we wait what if she needs the surgery RIGHT before or DURING the wedding time?  What if we're still in the hospital during it?  Obviously June's health comes first, and my sister totally knows that and understands.  But, maybe it just makes me mad that we have to deal with this at all.  June shouldn't have to go through this crap.  It's a load of "poor us" that I don't do very often.  I know it'll all work out how it is supposed to, but as I tried on my bridesmaid dress yesterday I got a twinge of sadness about the whole situation.... and how we had planned for our cute little baby to come with us, be dressed in a little tutu, have a teenage girl follow me around for the day watching June for us.... maybe it'll still work out like that.  Who knows.

Anyway... there is our little update.  We're actually doing really really well all things considered!!  I'm even doing okay, so far, with Matt being out of state all week!  It *is* only Monday, but I am putting the intention out there for a REALLY GOOD WEEK and it's worked so far.  Bed times have been easier than they normally are for Matt.... the kids must know mama needs it :-)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The day we discovered June's heart defect.

It was 10 days since I had given birth to my 3rd child.  My husband had started back at work after giving me a beautiful week to just rest and breastfeed while he took care of the older 2 children and the meals.  It was glorious.  

The day started like the last 10 had.  Breastfeeding a sweet baby.  Drinking in that amazing newborn smell.  Getting up earlier than I wanted to because she needed me.  As did the other two... rushing into our bedroom with boundless energy as they do every morning.  We laid in bed as long as we possibly could before getting up.  The baby in between us.  An almost 3 year old snuggled up into daddy and a 5 year old trying to give the baby as many kisses as she could manage while talking to her in a baby voice, “Oooooh June you’re soooooo cute!”  Matt and I working to shield the baby from any craziness from the rambunctious 2 year old “Jasper, let’s try to be gentle with the baby” as he picks up her arm and kisses it with gusto.   Oh 2 year olds....

Finally, it’s time to get up.  The day must begin.  I look at the clock and it’s not even 7am yet.  Groan....Yawn.....  Matt gets himself ready for work and I shuffle down to the main level, babe in arm.  I’d been upstairs for more than week now and it felt a bit odd coming into the main level of the room after being camped in the bedroom for so long.  I realize that many cultures women stay in bed MUCH longer than this... but I was proud of myself for not trying to do too much too soon and actually resting for those days.  

My doula friend Nicole was planning to come over and play with her children, but she texted me to let me know that her 2 year old seemed to be sick so she was going to have to cancel, but she was still going to bring me dinner.  With one arm holding a sweet newborn, I took to one handed picking up the house a bit while the older kids ate their breakfast.  How could I have forgotten what it was like to do everything that needed to be done with just one hand?  I checked facebook with one hand standing at the counter.  I turned on a pandora station and the kids and I had a dance party.  We were having a very good day!  June even let me set her down in her bouncy seat!!  I was so amazed that she’d let me set her down for periods of time, as she’d been pretty fussy (but not out of the range of normal) that first week.  I started to think that maybe I was going to be okay with taking care of 3 on my own while Matt was at work!  

I was so engorged!  I had been ever since my milk had come in and I figured it was because I had such an oversupply of milk, like I did with all my babies.  Definitely never a problem with producing enough!!  It seemed like June was more fussy than normal when I tried to breastfeed her.  I just kept trying, figuring that she was just mad because I had SO much milk and she was getting too much at once.  I knew that eventually my milk supply would even out so I didn’t worry about it.  She didn’t seem to cough or choke on it at all, but she did keep unlatching.  She had a strong latch though, so I wasn’t worried.  

Nicole came and dropped off a meal quickly.  We chatted briefly, as her children were out in the car with the car still running.... she smiled at sweet June, who was sitting in her bouncy chair.  I commented on how good the day was going.

I got a call from my mom.  She was going to stop by.  She got here just before Matt got home from work for the day.  I asked him if he could run to the bank before it closed to deposit some checks I’d been putting off depositing for so long because of having just given birth (I good excuse I’d say!).  While he was gone, mom was holding June and remarked that she was probably being stupid, but her color seemed a little off.  She turned on a light to see, as it was kind of dark in our house that day.  She let June fuss a bit.  She asked me if she had been crying at all and I told her that I always picked her up right away when she got fussy so of course she hadn’t been screaming that day.  My heart kind of sunk a little bit and I felt a bit worried.  My mom is not known to be a huge overreacter about health stuff, so I figured I should listen!  She asked me to find my stethoscope and I did and she listened to June’s heart and respirations.  Apparently she thought she was breathing a little fast and her color looked a bit off.  She seemed normal to me, but then I did notice that she was breathing a bit fast and not crying very much, more just making little fussy sounds instead.  I told her how she’d actually let me set her down today and I had been noticing her being different (not bad different, just different....).  “If I saw this baby at work I would ask someone to check her” she remarked.  As a seasoned labor and delivery nurse, she saw tiny babies all the time.   She kept apologizing for making me worry and I kept saying “No, it’s fine!”  Obviously it was fine, but I was still worried!!  Pit in my stomach.  Ughhhhh.  I quickly looked up our new doctor’s office phone number.  We had just been in days earlier to get June’s metabolic screen, but our doctor didn’t have any availability and we saw a different one.  I never have sick kids AND it was a new clinic.... who the heck do you call after hours anyway?!I didn’t know what to tell them the symptoms were, so my mom wrote me a list.  When they answered I gave her the phone instead as I figured she’d be better able to explain.  She annoyedly talked to the guy on the phone “No.... my baby is not excessively crying.” and again she’d list the symptoms including respiratory rate and other medical sounding things in a way I wouldn’t have been able to convey as effectively.  Finally the guy, obviously with no medical training, and my mom ended their conversation and she told me that someone would be calling me back.  She then called my grandfather, her dad, a retired medical doctor (ob/gyn perintologist to be exact) and told him the symptoms and asked her if she was being dumb/overreacting by having us go to the ER, as she had earlier suggested.  He said no, and also recommended that instead of going to the nearby hospital, that we just go straight to Children’s hospital.  

I am describing this all in great detail, but it really took not a whole lot of time.  Mom took the kids and Matt and I took June and headed out.  I quickly looked up the address to Children’s hospital on his phone as he started driving.  Of course the car was on empty, so we had to get gas.  I was nervous, even though I truly DID think that she probably would be fine.  So I told Matt to just fill up as much as we needed to get there, not to wait for the whole minivan tank to fill.  So we filled up some and left.  I was acting a bit worried and frantic and I think Matt was worried too because he took a wrong turn out of the gas station and got all turned around.  I think he told me to calm down at least half a dozen times on the trip there.  I can’t!  I’m so worried.  Ahhhh- traffic!  Ahhh- this car cut us off!  Ahhhh- you’re driving too fast/too slow/it’s too bumpy.  We were both a bit agitated and I was sitting in the back looking right at June and making sure she was fine the whole way there.  And finally, after rush hour traffic (of course, right?) we made it and drove straight to the appropriate parking lot so that we could walk right into the ER.  If you know us and our horrible directional sense (both of us... it’s a sick joke...), it’s a bloody miracle (yes, I’m British now.  Deal.) that we made it right there without wandering around downtown for a bit.  

We signed in and took our seat.  I got June out of her carseat.  She was pretty fussy and I was feeling.... I’m not sure what.  Surreal.  I stand a bounce and pat her butt.  “Shhhh Shhhhh SHHHHHH Shhhh Shhhhh SHHHHHH” repeated rhythmically with the butt pats.  We were probably overreacting but I was glad for going in ‘just in case.’  I was trying to go through the day in my mind and figure out if I had somehow missed something.  I didn’t think I had.  It was a normal day, she was just less fussy than normal.  I had chalked it up to her finally starting to get used to being ‘out in the world.’

“June McCoy?”  The nurse called our name and we walked into a little cubicle where they attached a pulse oximeter onto her tiny toe.  After what seemed like only a few seconds the nurse quickly detached her from her machine and walked us very briskly into another room.  I think she just said “follow me” and nothing more.  

Suddenly, we were in a very large and bright room.  June’s clothes were off and she was on a huge, adult sized hospital bed with people surrounding us.  A doctor introduced herself and asked me a lot of questions, none of which I remember anymore.  Oxygen mask on her.  Stickers attached to her chest, monitors being looked at, stats being read.  Doctor puts stethoscope to her chest.  “Heart Murmur.” she announces.   More questions.  Nurses and doctors talking to each other, trying to figure out what to do, orders given and carried out.  I am comforting my upset baby lying there while they poke and prod her.  “We are going to give your daughter *insert medication name* to try to *insert medical explanation*”  Okay.  They get an IV in and give her the med and it does nothing.  Stats drop.  That must not be the problem.  Why is nothing working, what is wrong with her heart!  She is screaming and I am holding the oxygen mask over her tiny little face, we try to put her pacifer inside the oxygen mask to try to get her to stop screaming.  She starts to turn blue as she is screaming.  A nurse tried dipping the pacifer in sugar water to try to make her suck on it and not just scream.  I’m not really into that idea, but obviously I want my baby to stop screaming so she won’t be blue and mayb her stats won’t be so low.... pulse ox is lower than I’ve ever imagined possible.  Her chest is rapidly rising and falling.  The sugar water doesn’t help.... she’s mad.  I’d be too.  I’m standing next to her shushing and trying to comfort her in any way I can without actually holding her.  Talking to her. Matt is texting my mom, his mom, people who should know.  Standing near me.  I glance at him and we both look so worried, so confused.  There are really no words to say to each other.  We’re on auto-pilot.  She is given various medications to try to help her out of her acute state.  An echo is done of her heart.  First we hear she has an ASD, hole in her atrium.  That’s not such a bad problem I hear, then we find out she has a VSD, hole between the ventricles.  They keep saying different things, not sure exactly what the problem is but it’s clear to me now that my baby is very very sick and something is wrong with her heart!  Is she going to die?  Ever be normal?  What does this mean?  These questions flash through my head but mostly I am numb.  Thoughtless, almost.  Texting as fast as my fingers will let me.  Not sure why I needed to do that.  The texting.  What it would accomplish.  It’s something to do in a situation where there is nothing I can do, perhaps.  We watch her stats.... so worried.  Matt says “Oh my gosh, that is so low, come on baby” or something to that extent.  We’re trying to talk to her trying to get her to get better somehow. We are both watching the monitor and looking at each other is disbelief as the numbers keep looking low and they keep trying to do things to get them up, unsuccessfully.  People surround her, we need to move away.  The cardiologist is looking at the echo, assessing the situatoin.  He is a pediatric cardiologist, Dr Gremmels.  He draws us a picture of a heart on a piece of paper.  We had already been made to back up.  I hear them say they are intubating her.  “Oh no!”  I think.  I’ve only ever seen one baby intubated and that had been hard and hard to get over.  I know just enough medical terminology and procedure names to know that this is not good at all.  My whole body feels strange.  A feeling I can not describe.  My jaw is clenched tightly and I am tapping one of my feet up and down on the floor.  He is still talking, still drawing.  I’m trying to pay attention to him while my baby is surrounded by tons of medical people in the same room.  I half succeed, knowing this information is important.  He explains that when her heart formed the walls “here” (as he is drawing) did not come all the way down or up.  Making one big (I cringe at the word big) hole that extends through the atrium and the ventricle.  He said that some call it two holes- but that it’s really just one big one.  Ugh, that word.  Big.  Nobody wants to hear it.  Big wad of cash?  Yes.  Big hole in the heart?  Not so much.  He also explains her valves.  She has one big one instead of 2 little ones.  How is the possible?  Is this genetic?  How did the ultrasound less than a week before birth miss this (In reality I find out later that this is only caught *maybe* 50% of the time prenatally. And I am grateful I did not know... but that's another story altogether)?  Is she going to need surgery?  Yes.  He says this is fixed with open heart surgery.  Blow to the chest.  My breath is tense.  Pastor Kerry walks into the large, bright room.  How does he know we’re here?  We’ve been here less than an hour.  10 minutes?  I have no concept of time.  It feels as if time is standing still.  He stands next to us.  I think maybe Matt gives him a hug (note: He was the senior pastor at the church Matt worked at for the past 5+ years and Matt had just recently started his roll at a new church).  Maybe words are exchanged, maybe not.  I can’t remember.  I’m still texting madly.  Everytime we are told something new. I can’t even remember which people I was texting.  My mom, one of the midwives from our birth, my mother in law.... I think that’s it?  

I look at my baby.  Cords everywhere.  Something breathing for her.  Ohmyword.  I can’t breathe and I feel numb.  Autopilot.  You’d think I’d sob hysterically.  You’d think I’d scream.  I do none of those things.  I stare at her.  Shock and disbelief.  Matt is the same.  We are like empty shells of people.  If he had cried I might have.  If I had cried he probably would have too.  But, we both just ARE.  That’s about the extent of it.  Shells.

We follow them as they wheel her down the hall and into an elevator.  Will we fit in the same one with all those meds, people, big bed with teeny tiny limp baby on it?.  We do.  Do I touch her?  Is she stable?  These things I can not remember.  Was I even allowed to touch her yet?  I am thinking no.  These are the details of the day I’ll never remember.  Shells of people have a hard time remembering.  She must’ve been somewhat stable if we’re wheeling her up, right?  I’m worried about the ventilator.  The only time I hear about ventilators is the “taking the off the ventilator’ as in letting them die.  I assume she is on life support.  My baby can’t breathe on her own.  I am so shocked, this is so unreal, I feel like I am in a nightmare.  I’m going to wake up and this is not going to be real.  I feel a little floaty... so maybe I really AM asleep.  

We are on the pediatric cardio floor.  She is laying on her bed, sedated on a ventilator.  We are ushered into the family waiting room down the hall.  She needs a central line put in and it is a sterile field.  We sit in the waiting room with Pastor Kerry.  Matt and he discuss theology.  Matt is trying to keep his mind off things.  If he talks about what is going on I think he would’ve lost it.  This is good.  He needs to talk, I need to be quiet.  I drink ice water from the water machine.  Go to the bathroom.  Ask a nurse if I can pump.  I realize now that it’d be quite a long time since I had nursed, and besides she hadn’t nursed well all day.  Matt and Kerry stay in the waiting room and I pump in the pumping room.  The nurse shows me what to do and tells me that they’ll order me my own pump so that I can pump in the room later on.  How long are we gong to be here?  My thought is a long time.  As I am pumping, I look at my texts, one of the midwives wants me to call and update, so I call her.  We talk about what is going on.  She reminds me that I need to make sure that I get ALL my questions answered.  If I don’t understand something, I need to ask.  As we are talking and I am pumping, I have to turn the pump off because I have completely filled both bottles.  I comment to the midwife, Jeanne, that I just filled the bottles completely!  She asks me if I have more there to use, but I figure that the engorgement is gone and they feel mostly empty so that’s probably enough pumping.  I want to know when they’ll be done with the *whatever they’re doing* (central line, I know now... then I just knew it was sterile).  I hang up with her and go check on things... they’re still working.  Matt is still discussing theological things.  Pastor Kerry prays for us.  I keep teary eyed during the prayer and kind of choked up.  But I don’t loose it.  We thank him.  Eventually he says goodbye after I think hours of just being with us in whatever way was needed.  How kind of him.  Seriously.  

Eventually after what seems like forever (definitely the longest part of the night so far!) we are allowed back into her room.  Oh, she looks so tiny on that huge bed.  So lifeless.  So horrible.  So many beeping sounds, monitors, heart waves and lines on screens, meds pumping through tubes into her.  Do we have any questions?  I ask about the ventilator.  So she can’t breathe at all and if we took her off it she would die?  I don’t know what I ask or what their answers are.  A female cardio doctor (who is apparently also on our team... so many doctors!) asks us if  we have ANY more questions to which Matt replied “Yes, do you know where we could get some food?”  “I think she meant about June,” I say.  It’s probably 2am by that point and we haven’t eaten dinner.  I don’t know what she says, but Matt orders Pizza Luce to be delivered.  He is hungry.  He tells me later “It’s not like you can’t ask the pastor where the bathroom is... she asked if I had any questions.”  Oh Matt.  But really, he was hungry and we were numb.  I get it.  You do what you gotta do.  I eat one bite of his pizza, but I can not eat.  Eventually Matt lays down on the couch.  It’s too small for both of us to fit and he is bigger so I tell him to take the couch and I will sleep in the rocking chair.  I comment that I am used to sleeping in weird places curled up in a ball... I’m a doula afterall.  Fitfully we eventually both fall asleep.  As a side-note, the couch actually pulls out into a bed.  We tried to pull it out, since I knew this to be the case in maternity wards, but we gave up and nobody seemed to offer to help us (they were busy with June, so it’s totally fine!!!) so I figured maybe it was different in this hospital on this floor so we slept how we slept.  Fitfully.

Thus ending the worst day of my entire life.  The days that followed were no picnic either.  I wanted to write a record of this day so that I could remember it.  No parent should ever have to see their child go through something like this.  I found it interesting that neither of us cried.  Not once.  The first time I cried was when she was off the ventilator, not sleeping and me not sleeping.  I had received what’s called a “prayer shawl” by some beautiful members of our new church, Elim, and I wrapped it around myself laid down, and just sobbed.  So unfair, so hard to see my baby going through this.  How is a baby going to have open heart surgery.  Please God, she can not die.  

Anyway, this is not the whole story, of course, just the story of this day.  This day of days.... this day that I don’t want to forget and also wish I didn’t have to remember.  We went from one of the best days, her birth.... her easy, joyous, amazing and beautiful birth   to this.  In less than 2 weeks.  Crazy.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Essential oils for LIFE

I've gotten a lot of questions lately about essential oils... which is awesome!  So I thought I'd briefly convey what we use most often for daily life.

My most favorite oil is Frankincense.  I feel like it has just a million uses!!  The wise men knew what they were doing when they gave baby Jesus this oil.  I rub a drop or two on my face over coconut oil before bed.  It has the calming effect on me (it's good for headaches too) and is also really really good for skin- it's supposed to be anti aging and help with scars, so I rub it on my belly stretch marks too.

Gentle Baby

I put thus one in my diaper wipe solution, wear it and rub it on my belly during pregnancy, put a few drops in my baths or my baby's bath, and this is what I personally decided to diffuse during my birthing time.  It's also good for cradle cap or eczema patches (which we don't personally struggle with but I've made a mental note about).  I also use this one for infant massage


This one helps to combat/prevent depression so I wear it as perfume when I'm feeling a bit blue.  I did it a lot more often immediately postpartum to feel more 'normal'

 Peace and Calming

I use this one every single day.  I put a dab on my wrists and behind my ears.  We rub it, diluted with a carrier oil, on our children's feet before bedtime.  It helps them to have a restful night.  It's also helped our 2 yr old with nighttime accidents.  If they're feeling crazy I'll sometime let them sniff this oil if  I have it handy or if they have a nightmare I'll spray a spritz of it on their pillow or rub a bit on their temples and let them drift back to sleep.  My oldest once told me it smelled like "calmness."  So cute.


I love a drop of peppermint oil in my water or tea!  1 drop is the equivalent of something like 20 cups of peppermint tea.... so very concentrated!  My husband put a drop in a chocolate came he was making once... and it tasted like an andes mint cake.  YUM.  I apply to my temples when I have a headache or need energy and place a drop in the belly button to reduce a fever.


I also love a drop of this in my water.  A yummy antioxidant kick!!  It also helps with grease stains or thing that goo-gone would take out.

Orange and Tangerine and Grapefruit oil   More antioxidant boosts in water!  My kids also love "smells" in their water.  They help uplift and aid in digestion.... a bunch of good stuff!


Deserves it's own post!!  I love cleaning with thieves household cleaner!  Thieves is called what it's called because 16th (??) century thieves used the blend while robbing plague victims to keep themselves from catching it.  Or so the story goes!  It definitely helps protect our family from illness... we hardly ever get sick!  It can be taken internally even.  We use the foaming hand soap in all of our bathrooms and I diffuse it if kids are going to come over (especially to protect the baby!!) and with put it on the bottoms of my feet to try to protect myself.  Same with everyone else or if one person is already sick.  I love the hand sanitizer too!


Awesome blend!!  I love diffusing it because it's a natural odor eater, like febreze without the chemicals!  I also put it on bug bites and they're gone in a day!  And make a spritz of it for natural bug spray.  Bugs don't like this oil!


More than any oil... this one really has a million uses!!  Burns (sunburn or other), calming kids, I put it on my teeth grinders jaw before bed, swab in the nostrils for allergies or snoring, wear for headaches or allergies, around the ear for ear infections, bridge of the nose for pink-eye, for cuts and scrapes.... honestly I'm learning new uses all the time!


How could I almost forget one of my absolute favs?!  This one is good along the spine.  It's supposed to help chiropractic adjustments to 'stay' and it also good for back pain.  It's said to align the body.  It is good for courage... which is needed in some life circumstances for sure!  And I put it neat on my belly for stretch marks (alternate with gentle baby and frankincense).  I just love the way it smells too.  One of my favorites for sure.

Pan Away

LOVE this one for pain.  It's like natural bengay.  Or icy hot.  Remember that stuff?  I wish I would've thought to use it for after pains after birth!  It definitely helps my back pain.


Good for any stomach issues.... my hubby rubs it on his belly because he gets stomach aches more than I (I get more headaches... I think we exhibit our stress differently!).  You can also put a few drops in your inner cheek or take orally.   

I have a lot of other oils I use on a more occasional basis or for blends I make... like my sunscreen recipe or the ones I bring to births

I'm getting Brain Power in the mail next month and I have a feeling I'll use it every single day for my space cadet mommy fog brain :-) Also one called R.C.